Gunnadoo was purchased in 2013 and formed the second aggregation in the southern WA region. It is located at Jacup in the Albany port zone. The scale of the Gunnadoo aggregation was increased through the acquisition of adjacent properties in 2014 and further increased in 2019 through the purchase of Pannikin, taking the total arable area to 12,527 hectares.
Being located in the winter-dominant rainfall southern WA region, Gunnadoo is ideally placed to produce wheat, barley, canola and legume crops. Lawson Grains has invested heavily in soil amelioration through correcting PH, and has installed a controlled-traffic farming system that is well suited to the fragile soils common in southern WA. Lawson Grains has also invested in on-farm infrastructure to support the scale of the aggregation and has built new housing for on-farm teams.
Property Info
Wheat, barley, canola, lupins and faba beans
Total arable area
12,527 Hectares
Average rainfall
February 2013 - Gunnadoo
April 2014 - Gunnadoo 2
August 2019 - Pannikin
6 permanent team members supported by a seasonal workforce.
Manager: Anthon Viljoen
Address: PO Box 114, Jerramungup, WA 6337
Phone: (08) 9835 5034
Mobile: 0418 755 635