Performance Focused
Our diverse property portfolio has been strategically selected and is operating under precision agriculture practices for performance gains.
We are delivering results for our investors.
Scale and Footprint
We operate 11 aggregated properties situated in Northern NSW, Southern NSW, Central NSW, Northern WA and Southern WA.
This geographic diversity provides lower climatic, market and staffing risks for the portfolio and has resulted in increased value for shareholders year after year—even when we have been faced with challenging conditions.
We farm over 120,000 arable hectares in some of Australia’s most productive cropping districts. While we are not one of the largest landholders in Australia, we are one of the country’s biggest grain producers.
We are providing stability for our staff, suppliers and stakeholders.
Sustainable Farming Systems
Our farming systems are sustainable and created with a deep understanding of our properties and their environments.
To ensure the longevity of our success, we are constantly investing in people, new technology, soil health, and more efficient infrastructure.
We follow best practices. These include zero till and controlled traffic to enhance soil health and water retention, variable rate application to manage and restrict inputs, and crop diversity and biodiversity for long-term management of the environment.